Race Entry
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information and entry form
All entries to Eric Weatherspoon on 07919818925
We presently have on site stabling facilities available please contact Lynn on 07747442966 for more details.
Race entrance forms may be downloaded from here....
Tir Prince Raceway - Conditions of Entry
Objections :Objections must be accompanied by a fee of £50 and if the objection proves to be frivolous and subsequently overruled, the £50 will be forfeited.
Lights : Red Light False Start. - Green indicates Go - Amber Light Under Starters Orders.
OWNERS TRAINERS & DRIVERS : Please give explicit details of Owner, Trainer and Driver when entering horses to eliminate any controversy over the allocation of points.
Every driver must wear a skull cap or helmet and body protectors approved by the Stewards and regulatory safety bodies. Long trousers of durable white cloth and neatly attired (Rule of BHRC).
Drivers must see that colours and numbers are those that appear on the Racecard, otherwise a fine may be imposed on the offenders.
Drivers must at all times have a rein in each hand, failing to do so will result in the horse being disqualified from the race and the driver having a fine and suspension. (BHRC Rule)
Licences must be carried at all times and produced on request by a Steward .or track Official.
PARADING OF HORSES : All horses must be paraded before the public in every race and must be properly turned out.
Withdrawals : No person shall be allowed to withdraw a horse after it has appeared on the track, or it has been announced to start, without permission of the Stewards, a fine or suspension will be given at the dis- cretion of the Stewards for failing to carry out this order.
BETTING : Strict observance will be kept on performance and betting of each race and will be scrutinised by the Chief Steward.
BREAKING RULE : When a horse breaks its gait it should be restrained. The driver should at once if clearance is available take the horse to the outside of the track and pull it back into its gait. The following shall be deemed as violation of the rules
(a) Failure to pull his horse back into its gait. (b) Failure to take it to the outside of the track if clearance exists. (c ) Failure to lose ground in the break.
FALLS : If a horse falls in any part of the race it will be at the discretion of the Race Officials if the race is to be made void. The Fallen horse will not be allowed in the rerun BHRC Rule
DOPE TESTS : Random Dope Tests will be taken.
INSIDE BOLLARDS : Any horse which goes inside a bollard may be liable to disqualification.
HORSES IN FRONT OF THEIR HANDICAP MARK : Any Horse in front of its handicap mark at the start of a race will be disqualified and there will be NO APPEAL against this decision
DISCLAIMER : The Management or Printer of this Race Card will not be responsible for any errors that may occur in this Race Card.